How To Review a Document

October 19, 2023

Upload a document

  1. Upload the document. Then, go to the Document Review tab and click the "Upload file" button on the top right corner to upload the document.

  1. Fill out the basic information for this document.
  • Choose a type. 

Type applies to both templates and documents. After selecting a type for the document, the system will automatically filter templates of the same type for you. 

  • You have the option to put the document in a folder to enhance document management.
  • Choose one of the available templates for later use during the document review.

  1. Select the "Compare" button to initiate document review, or select 'Save and close' if you wish to review the document at a later time.

Bulk operation in document review

  1. On the right side, markups have been divided into two separate lists: those included in the fallbacks (at the top) and those that are not (at the bottom).

  1. Users may take the following actions:
  • For markups included in fallbacks:
  • Accept all: Select “Accept all” to accept all the markups that are included in the fallbacks at once.
  • Reject all: Select “Reject all”  to reject all the markups that are included in the fallbacks at once.
  • Select all default fallbacks: Select “to apply all the default fallbacks to the markups that are included in the fallbacks.

  • For markups not included in fallbacks:
  • Accept all: Select “Accept all” to accept all the markups that are not included in the fallbacks at once.
  • Reject all: Select “Reject all” to reject all the markups that are not included in the fallbacks at once.

Markup Section Structure

  1. Counterparty's markup: The markup you've received from the counterparty will be displayed at the top of the comparison section. It will also be highlighted within the document's body.
  2. The available fallback options for each negotiable term will be shown beneath the counterparty's markup. If you're using a premium plan, multiple fallbacks will appear in the order you've specified within the template.

Edit a term 

  1. To accept the counterparty's markup, select the "Accept" button located below the markup. This will replace the corresponding phrase in the document body with the counterparty's markup.
  1. To reject the counterparty's markup: Click the "Reject" button below the markup. This action will remove the highlighted markup from the document body. Then you have the option to proceed to select an appropriate fallback to apply.

  1. You can directly choose a fallback to apply. This action will immediately reject the counterparty's markup and replace the corresponding phrase in the document body with the selected fallback.
  1. To undo the previous actions, select the "Undo" button near the title section. This will remove the actions you've taken, restoring the document’s settings to their original state.

Term label

After you have selected one of the available options for a negotiable term, a "Reviewed" label will be displayed in the title section. Clicking the "undo" button will remove the "Reviewed" label.

Download a document

  1. You can download a document from the Document page by simply clicking the "Download" icon in each document line.

  1. Alternatively, on the document edit page, you'll find a download icon in the top right corner. Simply click it to download the document.

Send a document for signature

  1. Click the "Go to signature mode" button located in the top right corner.

  1. Click the "Add a signer" button to include signers for the document. You can add multiple signers for each document.
  1. Enter the signer's name, and click the "Insert signature fields" button to place the signature field in the document.
  2. When you have finished inserting the fields, click the "Finish adding signature" fields" button to end inserting.
  1. To send the document for signature through DocuSign, click "Send for signature through DocuSign." Please note that this step requires you to have a DocuSign account. You will be redirected to the DocuSign login page. After successfully logging in, the document will be sent.

Document status

You will primarily see three distinct document statuses displayed on both the document page and the review page:

  • Draft: The document is in "Draft" status while it's being edited. This status continues until the signature mode begins.
  • Out for Signature: After successfully sending the document out for signature, it transitions to the "Out for Signature" status.
  • Signed: The document achieves "Signed" status when all parties have successfully signed it.

Please note that we synchronize the signature status from DocuSign, so additional relevant signing statuses may appear depending on the specific situation. For further details, please refer to DocuSign's Envelope status documentation.

Additional resources